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Shantell M.



Born in New York, 1996

2013 - Present at Valencia College , FL


Bonjour! Je m'appelle Chantel(Sahntell), je suis parle francais un petit peu. J'ai ete Photographee depuis Mars. J'adore prend des photo et a mange la glace avec mon amis! J'assiste Valencia College et J'etudie Journalisme! Okay, that is enough French for a while. Hello guys! For all you eniglish speakers out there, my name is Shantell and I am 16 year old college student, studying Journalism and Photography! I was born in New York, New York and spent my Childhood in Medford, Long Island. I started a Freelance Photography company- Fortex© in the summer of 2013 and am looking to expand my horizons and photograph all walks of life; traveling the United States and beyond! Heck, maybe even the moon!

Frotex© is all about expression. I have friends, colleagues and even strangers help me build and expand on not only my creativity but theirs as well. Some of my art and designs are created by very talented individuals in search of some exposure. I am that exposure; using my company in order to help others express their own art is what I think enables me with such a great team of creative people. When people work and function well together possibilities become actualities, hopes become reality and friendship becomes unity.


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